Sunday 16 February 2014

A few Favourite things ...Fishing in the footsteps of greatness ?

Well the fishing book collection has to be trimmed down . A lack of space being the issue . So I thought that I would have a review of some of the books that will definitely have to stay .

These two were my first fishing books . The ladybird book was the first ever and its still pretty relevant today . The " Fishing with the Experts" was the one that had the most influence though , as it opened my mind to Sea , Fly Fishing and Coarse Fishing . The Mr Crabtree cartoons are still the business ! I cannot pass a piece of water without my minds eye conjuring up a cartoon image with the potential locations of fish species , sad but true !
These were great ! I bought mine from Woolworths when they sold fishing tackle . I now have the complete set !

The Dick Walker book must be the one that changed my outlook most . I joined the ranks of the  specimen hunter ! Or at least that is what I thought I was doing !
I then moved on to the Osprey books . ( Guess what I have now  collected all of them !)  Jim Gibbinson's writing in these and in the magazines really captured my imagination and anything by him became a must read .
This issue if Angling from 1976 is one that I have kept , as to me it is the perfect collection of angling topics. Why do the current crop of magazines not cater for the all types of angling in one mag approach ?
The Fishing step by step were great and that style of image and short description was a winner to me in explaining tackle and tactics .
Now we come to the all time classic . What a book ! Still as relevant now as when it was first written. The old boy was onto every tactic that we now think of as " new" , a real inspiration . In fact when jeff and I made a pilgrimage to Loch Lomand we took a copy of this and scouted out the spot where Fred lost the record pike . Sad but true ! Fishing in the footsteps of greatness .....

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